Call for Next Issue
Turkish Journal of Political Science 2021
Eastern Mediterranean Geopolitics and the Developments in Libya
Issue Editor: Prof.Dr. Kürşad ZORLU
Our Editorial Board decided “Eastern Mediterranean Geopolitics and the Developments in Libya” to be the major topic and the focal point of 2021/1 issue of our Journal. The areas of basic interest to be covered in the articles, expected to make valuable contributions to the already existing academic studies, have been determined to be: The Geostrategic, Geopolitical, and Geoeconomic Importance of the Eastern Mediterranean; Energy Resources in the Region and the Contention for their Share; Changing Balances in the Energy Geopolitics; Security Strategies Pertaining the Region / Regional Security Strategies; The Politics and Strategies of the Eastern Mediterranean Littoral and non-Littoral States, and that of the International and Regional Organizations; Legal Status and the Limitation of the Eastern Mediterranean Maritime Zones; Strategies for Determining Maritime Zones; Problems Pertaining to Exclusive Economic Zones in the Eastern Mediterranean; Libyan Crisis and its Impact on the Eastern Mediterranean Geopolitics; as well as on the pending opportunities and threats awaiting Turkey. The studies concentrating on the mentioned topics are expected to be handed in by 20 January 2021 via Dergipark at the latest. Contributors shall be informed in February 2021 on the acceptance for the publication of their articles. Articles to be submitted outside the scope of our Journal’s determined major topic – political science, public administration, as well as the basic issues pertaining to international relations – shall be considered for publication under the heading of “Other Issues”.
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